19 May 1998

Date: Mon, 18 May 98 18:40:00 -0400
From: myoung <myoung@bbbarch.com>
To: jya@pipeline.com
Subject: South Side of Ellis Island

Original Message from lsoloff@bbbarch at 5/15/98 5:51 pm


To	  All Staff
From	  John Belle and Maxinne Leighton
Date	  15 May 1998
Subject	  South Side of Ellis Island

Roger Lang and Mark Weber of the New York Landmarks Conservancy 
gave us an eye-opening talk on the deterioration of the buildings 
on the south side of Ellis Island, which inspired us to ask each 
of you to consider writing a letter in support of allocating funds 
for its restoration.

Attached is a version of a letter that might be written to Chairmen 
Gordon and Regula of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior 
expressing your support.  You are welcome to sign the letter as is, 
or modify it for a more personal expression.

We are happy to provide a stamped, addressed envelope and mail the 
letter for you.  Because there is a deadline for receipt of support 
letters, please give your signed letter to Jennie by Tuesday, 19 May.

Thank you, and we appreciate your taking the time to do this.

Copies of this message were sent to 92 users.


15 May 1998

The Honorable Slade Gordon
Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior
730 Hart
Washington, D.C.  20510

Dear Senator Gordon:

I write in support of allocating $6.6 million for the South Side 
of Ellis Island and urge you to pass it in your subcommittee.

The restoration of the Main Building as the National Museum of 
Immigration has created a place where millions of people come 
annually to learn, remember, pay respect to what has made America 
great.  But like all history, what creates greatness is often the 
tense duality between hope and pain.  Though the South side of 
the Island tells a different story than the restored side, one 
with greater focus on the challenges and tears associated with 
coming to this country, it is still part of our story as Americans, 
immigrants, and children of immigrants.  To not appropriate this 
money and thereby allow these buildings to disappear through 
neglect, is to wipe out and revise a part of our history that 
speaks to the truth as much as the stories of immigrants crying 
with joy when they saw the Statue of Liberty for the first time.

In ten years do you want the annals of history judging you and 
your subcommittee harshly for not protecting our past and not 
honoring our vision for future generations?  The destruction of 
one's history is why so many immigrants fled their homes to come 
to America.  $6.6 million dollars is a small price to pay to 
uphold our country’s foundation.

We owe it to ourselves and to each other to honor our past in 
all of its truth.  Don’t allow the wrecking ball of time destroy 
that.  Please allocate the $6.6 million for the South Side 
of Ellis Island.
